Sunday, August 31, 2008

Pets Welcome!

I was speaking with someone a while back when I realized that there may be a misconception out there about condos and pets. Many people think that they must decide between their pets or the maintenance-free lifestyle. That's not true! Pets are welcome at The Villas At Timber Run! A homeowner may have two pets when they move into their new home. And, there is no restriction on size. So, your big chocolate lab is more than welcome! (Of course, there are a few exceptions to the rule such as exotic pets or those that are violent in nature. We all know it's just not safe to have your pet lion on the premises!)

As a Special Feature to those of our homeowners with pets that enjoy the outdoors, we will be offering a pet fence. This fence will allow Fido to be outside, yet keep him from wandering the neighborhood. It's a great thing to have during those 5AM wake-ups calls from man's best friend!

So, don't let Fido or Socks keep you from making the best decision of your life! In fact, without all of your chores, you'll have even more free time to spend with them. Now, that should make everyone happy!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Web Address

I was just made aware that I had not posted our web site address yet. More details about our community may be viewed at Check back frequently as I add new pictures and information!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What is Maintenance-Free?

All of the homes at The Villas At Timber Run will be truly Maintenance-Free. As a homeowner here, you will have all maintenance for the exterior of your home done for you. What exactly does this mean? Here is a quick overview:

  • Landscaping - From mowing to mulching, it is all handled for you. We plant the flowers every year, lay the mulch, clean up the beds in the fall and of course, mow the lawn. Not ready to turn in your green thumb? No worries - you can do as much or as little as you want - it's all up to you. You can plant your annuals every year and even participate in our Spring Planting Competition
  • Snow Removal - I know it's hard to think about snow during the beautiful summer month of August, but we'll handle this too. Not only do we handle clearing the roads and your driveway - we remove the snow all the way to your front door!
  • Exterior Maintenance - When the day comes that your home needs a new roof or your fence needs painted or a piece of siding needs replaced, take it off of your worry list. It is all covered for you by the Homeowner's Association. This is the big difference between a Maintenance-Free home and a Low-Maintenance home. Generally, in a Low-Maintenance home, you are responsible for maintaining the exterior of your home. At The Villas At Timber Run, it's all handled.

So, what does this all mean to the homeowner's of The Villas At Timber Run? It means that you now have time for the important things in life. Traveling, biking, hiking, spending time with friends and family and just hanging out by the pool can now be on your weekend agenda. Leave the rest to us!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Site Pictures & Update

Well, here we are at the beginning of another week. Tom and I went out to the site again yesterday and drove around the construction. It is a little tougher to get around right now because they are working on prepping the road. So, we were just on the outskirts. The pond in the back is really starting to take shape and proving to be quite spectacular. I still cannot believe how big it will be! We have made a lot of progress and should be moving the Preview Center from across the street this week. It will be a little while before it is up and running, but we're getting very close!

We had a great time at the Art Gallery. It was really fun to see the place transformed into a Timber Run-like venue. If you haven't noticed the changes in downtown Greenfield, you really should take a stroll down Main Street sometime. The Gallery and Soda Fountain are great and I really enjoy Rock Paper Scissors and Bread Ladies too. We are lucky to have our office downtown and so close to the great cafes and attractions.

We are busy preparing for our next big event. This will be a big cookout on-site with walking tours, prizes and even a corn hole game or two. It should be a lot of fun. Plus, we'll be offering some fantastic exclusive incentives to those in attendance. So, tell your friends and bring along your family! It will be a great time for all!

Monday, July 14, 2008

My First Post

Well, here I go with my first blog post. I will do my best to keep this updated with information about The Villas At Timber Run. We have made so much progress already, so I will probably just start with where we are today and go from there!

On Friday night, Tom and I were able to drive the site using the dirt road path. There has been so much progress made in the last few weeks. The two ponds in the front are completely dug and the first building pads are being prepared. If you drive by the site, you'll notice some piping on the east end. That is the regulated drain that is being relocated. And, the sewer is being brought to the site right now as well.

After the rain on Saturday night, we drove back by the site on Sunday to see how the ponds handled the water. They were completely full! Since it is mid-construction, the grading and drainage is not complete, so they were more full than they will be normally. Once everything is complete, the ponds will be a great for more than just drainage - they'll be pretty to look at as well!

I can tell you that there will be some breathtaking homesites in this community. It is taking shape so quickly and is quite amazing how fast things move. We're very busy preparing for our next big party at Crazy Lake Art Gallery on July 17th. I love this place and I am so happy to be hosting an event there.

That's it for now - I'll update again soon!