Monday, July 14, 2008

My First Post

Well, here I go with my first blog post. I will do my best to keep this updated with information about The Villas At Timber Run. We have made so much progress already, so I will probably just start with where we are today and go from there!

On Friday night, Tom and I were able to drive the site using the dirt road path. There has been so much progress made in the last few weeks. The two ponds in the front are completely dug and the first building pads are being prepared. If you drive by the site, you'll notice some piping on the east end. That is the regulated drain that is being relocated. And, the sewer is being brought to the site right now as well.

After the rain on Saturday night, we drove back by the site on Sunday to see how the ponds handled the water. They were completely full! Since it is mid-construction, the grading and drainage is not complete, so they were more full than they will be normally. Once everything is complete, the ponds will be a great for more than just drainage - they'll be pretty to look at as well!

I can tell you that there will be some breathtaking homesites in this community. It is taking shape so quickly and is quite amazing how fast things move. We're very busy preparing for our next big party at Crazy Lake Art Gallery on July 17th. I love this place and I am so happy to be hosting an event there.

That's it for now - I'll update again soon!

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