Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Why Epcon Communities & Timber Run

Tom and I get asked this question a lot - Why did you decide to become an Epcon Builder and why did you choose Greenfield? Well, it's a good question, so I thought I would go ahead and answer it once and for all!

Since Tom and I have been together a long time, we've always had the idea that eventually, we would venture out on our own and have the luxury of working together on something really great. After college, we took off on a whim to California to look for jobs and enjoy a little fun in the sun. With an engineering degree in a recession (2001), Tom was hard-pressed to find a job in the manufacturing field. He happened upon a construction management company that specialized in marine-type projects, but of course, they weren't hiring. So, he negotiated a deal where they would pay him a very low salary for six weeks to see if they liked him. They must have liked him a lot because they put him on some very large jobs, including a multi-million dollar beach renovation. In the meantime, I was working for a large computer consulting firm in their finance and accounting department.

We decided to move back to our hometown in Ohio in 2003 to be closer to family and buy our first home. Tom took a job with a large, family owned general contracting firm as a project manager. I took a job as a bookkeeper with a small, family owned, office supply store. Both of our responisibilities just took off! Eventually, I was doing everything from setting up the website for online ordering, to inventory management, all the way to picking and packing orders!

In January 2006, after having our first daughter, we began wanting something more. We were presented with the Epcon opportunity. Between my background and Tom's, we felt like this was an absolute perfect opportunity for us to break out on our own. We did a lot of research and planning, and eventually became an Epcon Builder Partner in November 2006. When considering locations, we looked for a place that was similar to our hometown and under 5 hours away from "home." Someone at Epcon suggested we look at Greenfield. We did and it seemed to fit us perfectly! We feel so at home here now, two years later. I'm so glad we found a place that we can raise our family and become truly involved in this community. We have been welcomed with open arms and are so thankful for the people of this wonderful town!

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