Monday, May 18, 2009

8 Great Reasons to BUY NOW!

With all of today's economic uncertainty, it might seem odd to some that our New Home Specialist has been so overwhelmed with customers that she’s hardly had time to put on coffee the past several weekends. Or that after only eight months, TWENTY-TWO families have already invested in a new home and a new lifestyle at the Villas At Timber Run, An Epcon Community ( with others joining in all the time. These smart & savvy buyers have recognized that a "perfect storm" of circumstances has formed to make this THE MOST PROFITABLE time to invest in a new home, possibly ever!

Here’s what they know:

#1: 30-Year Mortgage Rates are at ALL TIME LOWS!
A conventional mortgage on a $180,000 home at a rate of 6.5% (last year, and probably next year) vs. 5% (today) would cost you over $137.00 per month more! This adds up to almost $50,000.00 in additional interest costs over the life of the loan! Can you afford to lose out on this opportunity?

#2: Home values are… kind of irrelevant?
That’s right, whether values are historically high or historically low, everyone is on a level playing field. For most of our customers, the possibility of receiving a lower than expected price for their existing residence is more than offset by the lower price they are receiving on their new home from a Builder. Subcontractors and suppliers are very hungry for business and are slashing the input costs for new construction allowing Builders to price homes aggressively low. Guess what? THIS WON’T LAST!

Which investment would you choose? If you’re like most people, the choice isn’t whether or not you are going to own a home, it’s whether you keep investing in your existing residence or invest in a new one. Which investment is more likely to appreciate—your current older home or a home freshly designed and built to be relevant for today’s and tomorrow’s buyer? After all, while you wait for the market to recover, wouldn’t you rather be waiting in a new maintenance-free home, customized to your taste and style rather than wondering if your lawnmower is going to start this spring? Sometimes "playing it safe" isn’t very safe at all.

#4: Buy Low, Sell High.
It’s the first rule of investing. Home purchases are not meant to be short-term investments and smart buyers know that waiting for a stronger market means paying higher prices. You’ve heard the news that new housing starts have been falling for the past two years. This means the supply is rapidly decreasing. This also means that when the demand returns to normal levels and new homes are in short supply, prices will undoubtedly skyrocket-it’s Economics 101! Don’t lose out your chance to invest near the bottom.

#5: Experience the difference!
Builders are rolling out the red carpet for their customers these days. The Customer is King, now more than ever before. Custom changes—no problem! Don’t miss out on the chance to have a great buying experience with a customer focused builder before they get too busy to go that extra mile!

#6: Save Green, Be Green.
Our customers are enjoying a savings of around 40% on their heating and cooling bills because of our Energy Star Certified construction and they’ll take pride in living in a more environmentally friendly home. What would you do with an extra 125 bucks a month?

#7: Quality Counts.
Homes built in slower housing markets are constructed with more care and by more highly talented craftsman. A lot was overlooked in the old days of "How fast can we build?"—not on purpose of course, but at the break-neck pace of a few years ago, builders just didn’t have the time to be picky. Now builders are able to be a lot more "hands on" and make sure proper attention is paid to the details. Additionally, a lighter workload for subcontractors means that employers have retained only their best tradesmen, which in effect "weeds out" the amateurs—AND THE DIFFERENCE SHOWS.

#8: Made in the U.S.A!
With the housing industry comprising 1/5 of America’s GDP, it’s no wonder the economy is struggling. Indiana lost 7,500 housing jobs in 2008 alone. Most Americans feel a patriotic draw toward buying American made products, but does it really make a difference? Think about this—virtually ALL of the dollars spent building and buying a new home stay in your local community. Now that’s what I call a stimulus package (where it counts)! JFK said it best, "Ask not what your Country can do for you, but what you can do for your Country." Simply put, those who wait on the sidelines are continuing to compound the problem, but those who CAN afford to purchase a car or a home during a time of recession and actually DO IT are true Patriots and should be applauded.

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