I just found an interesting study that looked at time spent by apartment dwellers and homeowners on various activities. As you may expect, sleeping was number one for both groups (although a little higher for renters than homeowners). But, in the category of leisure, renters spent 30 minutes longer a day on these activities than homeowners, which is 15 % higher! The author links this finding to a variety of issues, but partly due to the exterior maintenance and lawncare that a homeowner must complete that is not necessary for an apartment dweller.
(Study information may be found here - "Housing Situation and Time Use." Jack Goodman, Hartrey Advisors - 703/527-6478 - jackgoodman@hartrey.com - www.hartrey.com - first draft: December 2, 2005)
So, the obvious correlation to this blog is that our homes are maintenance-free on the outside, much like an apartment. However, homeowners get the pride of ownership and benefits of owning real estate to go along with the extra leisure time.
30 minutes a day is 3.5 hours a week, 14 hours a month, 182 hours a year, and a whopping 3640 hours if you live in our home for 20 years. 3640 hours is roughly 6 months more of leisure time added onto your life. If you pair that number with the fact that people live longer with less stress and more fun in their lives, you have a magical result!
What does 30 minutes a day look like to you? Learn a new language, pick up woodworking, travel more, read more books, tutor an at-risk youth? The possibilities are endless!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The difference a year makes
Wow. What a difference a year makes.

This year for us at Timber Run has marked some memorable milestones - going vertical on our first 12 homes and clubhouse, having our first homeowners move in, welcoming over 1000 visitors to our model homes, winning a home tour award, and getting on board with Social Media (Twitter & Facebook). I am proud of where we sit today.
On a more global note, today marks the day that the Dow Jones Industrial Average overcomes the 10,000 mark for the first time since this time last year. While this is a momentous event for a number of reasons for the world markets, I am thinking of how this directly correlates to the housing market. I pulled a chart of the Dow for the last year. It looks like this:
See the obvious valley? That is what we call the "low point" in the market. However, if you didn't sell your assets in the market at this time, how low was it really? Is it really relevant to you at all? In a "hold" position, it really isn't.
Now, consider this, what if you had $10,000 cash that was given to you to invest. When would have been the best time to buy into the Dow? Right - at the lowest point. If you had invested $10,000 in the middle of March at 6,440 and sold it today at 10,000, you would have made $5,500 in six months. Not too shabby right?
So, now you ask, how does this all relate to home sales? The best time to buy a home is just the same time as the best time to buy in the market - at the "low point." That's great, but how do we know where the "low point" may be? Well, maybe we don't, but we can certainly see when things are beginning pick back up again. Maybe we don't buy at the exact bottom, but just as we start to see steady results that indicate we are on the uptick.
That time is now. Pending home sales are up and the positive housing data continues to filter in through various media sources. If you could look at a chart of the housing market, just like the Dow chart above, and see the obvious bottom, it would make perfect sense to take advantage of the unique opportunity of today.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Remarkable Experiences
OK - so it's been a while. What can I say, we've been super busy! We opened the Clubhouse and have had two huge events so far. We had over 60 people through this weekend alone thanks to the New Home Tour!
The title of this post is "Remarkable Experiences." For those of you that are unaware, our Mission Statement as an Epcon Builder is "To Build Homes, Neighborhoods and a Lifestyle that Provides One Remarkable Experience." Recently, we've been giving this a lot of thought and really trying to think of how to provide a Remarkable Experience for everyone - from our existing homeowners, to customers visiting us for the first time, to the community of Greenfield at large.
Most recently, we have focused on our employees, Andrea and Jim. What can we do to make their jobs remarkable too? I think we've taken a pretty big step and one that I am tremendously excited about! We have given Andrea & Jim the ability to finish out one of our existing homes as a "Staff's Choice" Showcase Home. We told them to pull out all the stops and surprise us with their creativity. Jim has been building homes for years and Andrea certainly has a style sense about her, so I am SO excited to see the result! I've heard just a few peeps from the office next door about what is to come, so I'll be sure to keep you posted. I am certain their selections for this home will be a Remarkable Experience for that home owner.
The title of this post is "Remarkable Experiences." For those of you that are unaware, our Mission Statement as an Epcon Builder is "To Build Homes, Neighborhoods and a Lifestyle that Provides One Remarkable Experience." Recently, we've been giving this a lot of thought and really trying to think of how to provide a Remarkable Experience for everyone - from our existing homeowners, to customers visiting us for the first time, to the community of Greenfield at large.
Most recently, we have focused on our employees, Andrea and Jim. What can we do to make their jobs remarkable too? I think we've taken a pretty big step and one that I am tremendously excited about! We have given Andrea & Jim the ability to finish out one of our existing homes as a "Staff's Choice" Showcase Home. We told them to pull out all the stops and surprise us with their creativity. Jim has been building homes for years and Andrea certainly has a style sense about her, so I am SO excited to see the result! I've heard just a few peeps from the office next door about what is to come, so I'll be sure to keep you posted. I am certain their selections for this home will be a Remarkable Experience for that home owner.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Home Warranty - What's the Big Deal?
Many existing homes that are listed on the MLS by a Realtor are advertised with a Home Warranty. While this is a very beneficial thing to have, (trust me, we used ours once or twice!) it is usually good for only a year and covers only major items with a deductible. In fact, the word deductible insinuates what this warranty actually is - insurance. It is an insurance policy so that you have a little peace of mind that the seller is not selling a house with a ton of problems. Nothing would be worse than moving in and having the air conditioner break the next day!
So, I think, sometimes, it just doesn't seem like a big deal when we explain to people that we offer a New Home Warranty with the homes here at Timber Run. It's expected that all homes have a warranty. However, I'd like to take just a minute to explain why ours is so different than the traditional Home Warranty for existing homes.
The warranty we offer on our homes has a 2 year, what I like to call, "Bumper to Bumper" warranty. So, if really anything goes wrong in the first 2 years, we'll handle it. We warrant that your Home will be free from Defects caused by faulty workmanship or defective materials; faulty installation of Plumbing, Electrical, Heating, Cooling, and Ventilating Systems, or poor workmanship and materials in its roof and roof systems. For fixtures, appliances and other items of equipment, the Warranty is good for one year. Then, during the next two years, the defects caused by poor workmanship in the roof and roof systems are still covered. Finally, Major Structual Defects are warranted for ten years! Now, of course, these warranties are all in addition to the manufacturer's warranties on the items installed in your home, such as the HVAC unit, water heater, etc.
So, while we can't make the inside of your home completely maintenance-free, like the outside, we can go along way to making sure you don't have to deal with problems that may arise in a previously owned home. Next time you're shopping for a new home, whether existing or considering building from scratch, be sure to ask about the Home Warranty. They are NOT all the same!
home warranty,
new home
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
National Model Park
As you have probably seen from the most recent slide shows I've posted on the blog, Tom and I recently made a trip to New Albany, Ohio and the National Model Park. We have been there several times, but wanted to make another trip. After our visit, we certainly felt reassured that the two new floor plans we are going to offer at Timber Run are going to please a lot of people.
The Aboreta and Bramante are two of the most efficient floorplans I have ever seen. We have a fair amount of customers that really do not spend very much time at home and feel that the Abbey and Canterbury are just a little too large for what they need. The Aboreta and Bramante fill that gap for sure. Plus, we happened to visit on a beautiful sunny day and were able to experience the huge courtyards, which will impress everyone I think.
I think everyone on the bus tour to the National Model Park will be very pleased with what they find in New Albany. I can't wait to get started on these homes!
The Aboreta and Bramante are two of the most efficient floorplans I have ever seen. We have a fair amount of customers that really do not spend very much time at home and feel that the Abbey and Canterbury are just a little too large for what they need. The Aboreta and Bramante fill that gap for sure. Plus, we happened to visit on a beautiful sunny day and were able to experience the huge courtyards, which will impress everyone I think.
I think everyone on the bus tour to the National Model Park will be very pleased with what they find in New Albany. I can't wait to get started on these homes!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Why I love Social Networking
I just realized today that I have been using Facebook only for about 9 months and Twitter for only about 3. So, how is it that I am totally and fully hooked? When I started thinking about it, I came up with a few good reasons.
1. It's free! Not much in life is free these days, in fact most costs continue to increase. Think about the postage stamp! But, online tools such as Twitter, Facebook, this blog and others are great ways to get my message to customers, family and friends. As far as time, it just doesn't take very long once you're used to it!
2. It's informative! When I tell people I tweet, I always hear, "Why would I want to hear all about what someone had for breakfast." Well, it's a lot more than that. Sure, there's the occasional non-essential piece of information. But, I now use Twitter for my morning and evening news. The best part is that I follow local and industry specific news sources. So, I don't get a lot of the negative stories we are all too used to in the newspaper and late night news.
3. Stay in touch! These days, everyone is on Facebook. While status updates and photos shouldn't decrease the amount of time we spend with loved ones either in person or on the phone, it is a great way to stay in touch with those you would only normally see at a family or class reunion.
4. Mobility - Now, with phones, digital cameras and even video cameras, we can all communicate no matter where we are in the country. I can take a photo of an Epcon Community in Tennessee and Tweet it right away so that my customers can see what I am seeing. In the same sense, I can feel like I'm a part of a seminar that may be occurring in another state.
One of these days, I want to have a Social Networking Class in our Clubhouse. We'll have Wi-Fi Access in the Clubhouse, so we can all get online and become each others "Fans," "Friends," and "Followers." It's just one more way we can all get connected and become a part of the community! In the meantime, click on one of the links to the right and become a Fan on Facebook or Follow my tweets on Twitter. Check it out and you'll see why I'm so hooked!
1. It's free! Not much in life is free these days, in fact most costs continue to increase. Think about the postage stamp! But, online tools such as Twitter, Facebook, this blog and others are great ways to get my message to customers, family and friends. As far as time, it just doesn't take very long once you're used to it!
2. It's informative! When I tell people I tweet, I always hear, "Why would I want to hear all about what someone had for breakfast." Well, it's a lot more than that. Sure, there's the occasional non-essential piece of information. But, I now use Twitter for my morning and evening news. The best part is that I follow local and industry specific news sources. So, I don't get a lot of the negative stories we are all too used to in the newspaper and late night news.
3. Stay in touch! These days, everyone is on Facebook. While status updates and photos shouldn't decrease the amount of time we spend with loved ones either in person or on the phone, it is a great way to stay in touch with those you would only normally see at a family or class reunion.
4. Mobility - Now, with phones, digital cameras and even video cameras, we can all communicate no matter where we are in the country. I can take a photo of an Epcon Community in Tennessee and Tweet it right away so that my customers can see what I am seeing. In the same sense, I can feel like I'm a part of a seminar that may be occurring in another state.
One of these days, I want to have a Social Networking Class in our Clubhouse. We'll have Wi-Fi Access in the Clubhouse, so we can all get online and become each others "Fans," "Friends," and "Followers." It's just one more way we can all get connected and become a part of the community! In the meantime, click on one of the links to the right and become a Fan on Facebook or Follow my tweets on Twitter. Check it out and you'll see why I'm so hooked!
Social Networking,
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Grand Opening Success & What's with those Green Houses?
Well, the Grand Opening of our models was a raging success! We counted over 70 people and we had only planned for about 50. But, that was OK because everyone seemed to have a lot of fun. We gave away the TV to a very surprised visitor and lots of other door prizes as well. The food from Carnegie's must have been fantastic because none of us got a single bite. Every dish was completely cleaned out! We couldn't have been happier!
So, Tom and I just added 8 green Monopoly houses to our Community Map. People may think that these homes have something to do with our Energy Star program, but that's not it! We have officially designated Buildings 2 & 12 as our Courtyard Collection of homes! This is really exciting because now all of the people that expressed an interest in these plans will be able to know where they will be built. We're very excited to get started on the Aboreta and Bramante as the interest has been very high. Check out the YouTube channel - http://www.youtube.com/timberrungreenfield for Virtual Tours.
So, Tom and I just added 8 green Monopoly houses to our Community Map. People may think that these homes have something to do with our Energy Star program, but that's not it! We have officially designated Buildings 2 & 12 as our Courtyard Collection of homes! This is really exciting because now all of the people that expressed an interest in these plans will be able to know where they will be built. We're very excited to get started on the Aboreta and Bramante as the interest has been very high. Check out the YouTube channel - http://www.youtube.com/timberrungreenfield for Virtual Tours.
energy star,
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Why Epcon Communities & Timber Run
Tom and I get asked this question a lot - Why did you decide to become an Epcon Builder and why did you choose Greenfield? Well, it's a good question, so I thought I would go ahead and answer it once and for all!
Since Tom and I have been together a long time, we've always had the idea that eventually, we would venture out on our own and have the luxury of working together on something really great. After college, we took off on a whim to California to look for jobs and enjoy a little fun in the sun. With an engineering degree in a recession (2001), Tom was hard-pressed to find a job in the manufacturing field. He happened upon a construction management company that specialized in marine-type projects, but of course, they weren't hiring. So, he negotiated a deal where they would pay him a very low salary for six weeks to see if they liked him. They must have liked him a lot because they put him on some very large jobs, including a multi-million dollar beach renovation. In the meantime, I was working for a large computer consulting firm in their finance and accounting department.
We decided to move back to our hometown in Ohio in 2003 to be closer to family and buy our first home. Tom took a job with a large, family owned general contracting firm as a project manager. I took a job as a bookkeeper with a small, family owned, office supply store. Both of our responisibilities just took off! Eventually, I was doing everything from setting up the website for online ordering, to inventory management, all the way to picking and packing orders!
In January 2006, after having our first daughter, we began wanting something more. We were presented with the Epcon opportunity. Between my background and Tom's, we felt like this was an absolute perfect opportunity for us to break out on our own. We did a lot of research and planning, and eventually became an Epcon Builder Partner in November 2006. When considering locations, we looked for a place that was similar to our hometown and under 5 hours away from "home." Someone at Epcon suggested we look at Greenfield. We did and it seemed to fit us perfectly! We feel so at home here now, two years later. I'm so glad we found a place that we can raise our family and become truly involved in this community. We have been welcomed with open arms and are so thankful for the people of this wonderful town!
Since Tom and I have been together a long time, we've always had the idea that eventually, we would venture out on our own and have the luxury of working together on something really great. After college, we took off on a whim to California to look for jobs and enjoy a little fun in the sun. With an engineering degree in a recession (2001), Tom was hard-pressed to find a job in the manufacturing field. He happened upon a construction management company that specialized in marine-type projects, but of course, they weren't hiring. So, he negotiated a deal where they would pay him a very low salary for six weeks to see if they liked him. They must have liked him a lot because they put him on some very large jobs, including a multi-million dollar beach renovation. In the meantime, I was working for a large computer consulting firm in their finance and accounting department.
We decided to move back to our hometown in Ohio in 2003 to be closer to family and buy our first home. Tom took a job with a large, family owned general contracting firm as a project manager. I took a job as a bookkeeper with a small, family owned, office supply store. Both of our responisibilities just took off! Eventually, I was doing everything from setting up the website for online ordering, to inventory management, all the way to picking and packing orders!
In January 2006, after having our first daughter, we began wanting something more. We were presented with the Epcon opportunity. Between my background and Tom's, we felt like this was an absolute perfect opportunity for us to break out on our own. We did a lot of research and planning, and eventually became an Epcon Builder Partner in November 2006. When considering locations, we looked for a place that was similar to our hometown and under 5 hours away from "home." Someone at Epcon suggested we look at Greenfield. We did and it seemed to fit us perfectly! We feel so at home here now, two years later. I'm so glad we found a place that we can raise our family and become truly involved in this community. We have been welcomed with open arms and are so thankful for the people of this wonderful town!
builder story,
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Video Invite to Model Grand Opening
Here is a video invite I just sent out to our customers via e-mail. It's always a little odd to see yourself on camera, but I had a lot of fun putting it together! Plus, I think it's helpful for people to put a face with the name that is sending out the emails.
Let me know what you think! And, RSVP if you think you can make it!
Let me know what you think! And, RSVP if you think you can make it!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Big Event on June 13th!
We're in the midst of planning our next big event! On June 13th, we will officially celebrate our model grand opening. After a brief presentation in our still under-construction clubhouse, we will move over to our models for tours and questions. Then, we'll wrap up the event with a drawing for a 32" LCD HDTV. The winner will take it home with them that day!
With a great special offer for reservation holders and fantastic food from Carnegie's of Greenfield, this is an event you will not want to miss! RSVP to save your spot and enter to win the TV and other great prizes. You can email me at sara@villasatttimberrun.com.
Hope to see you all there!
With a great special offer for reservation holders and fantastic food from Carnegie's of Greenfield, this is an event you will not want to miss! RSVP to save your spot and enter to win the TV and other great prizes. You can email me at sara@villasatttimberrun.com.
Hope to see you all there!
timber run
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Busy Day Today!
Well, today was a very busy day. While Tom and I were at the Hancock County Builder's Council golf outing, Jim was keeping everyone very busy on-site. First, we have the entry drive paved! It worked out well since we were closed today and it will be fine to drive on by tomorrow morning.
With all of this perfect weather, the contractors were out in a force today! We have the pond grass mowed, the final mortar is on for the exterior stone and more work on the clubhouse was completed. Plus, I believe they were working on the utilities for building five and installing the Hardy Siding and the rest of the stone for that building.
Tom and I walked the clubhouse again this morning, this time with a homeowner. He was impressed! It really does look so much bigger once it is framed. I'm still amazed!
Tomorrow is a fun day of selections, which is my favorite part! First, we meet with the designers to choose all of the selections for the clubhouse. Then, I'll finalize the selections for the Showcase Canterbury - 3A. Finally, we have an appointment with our most recent customer to make final changes to their new home. So much fun!
With all of this perfect weather, the contractors were out in a force today! We have the pond grass mowed, the final mortar is on for the exterior stone and more work on the clubhouse was completed. Plus, I believe they were working on the utilities for building five and installing the Hardy Siding and the rest of the stone for that building.
Tom and I walked the clubhouse again this morning, this time with a homeowner. He was impressed! It really does look so much bigger once it is framed. I'm still amazed!
Tomorrow is a fun day of selections, which is my favorite part! First, we meet with the designers to choose all of the selections for the clubhouse. Then, I'll finalize the selections for the Showcase Canterbury - 3A. Finally, we have an appointment with our most recent customer to make final changes to their new home. So much fun!
Monday, May 18, 2009
8 Great Reasons to BUY NOW!
With all of today's economic uncertainty, it might seem odd to some that our New Home Specialist has been so overwhelmed with customers that she’s hardly had time to put on coffee the past several weekends. Or that after only eight months, TWENTY-TWO families have already invested in a new home and a new lifestyle at the Villas At Timber Run, An Epcon Community (www.VillasAtTimberRun.com) with others joining in all the time. These smart & savvy buyers have recognized that a "perfect storm" of circumstances has formed to make this THE MOST PROFITABLE time to invest in a new home, possibly ever!
Here’s what they know:
#1: 30-Year Mortgage Rates are at ALL TIME LOWS!
A conventional mortgage on a $180,000 home at a rate of 6.5% (last year, and probably next year) vs. 5% (today) would cost you over $137.00 per month more! This adds up to almost $50,000.00 in additional interest costs over the life of the loan! Can you afford to lose out on this opportunity?
#2: Home values are… kind of irrelevant?
That’s right, whether values are historically high or historically low, everyone is on a level playing field. For most of our customers, the possibility of receiving a lower than expected price for their existing residence is more than offset by the lower price they are receiving on their new home from a Builder. Subcontractors and suppliers are very hungry for business and are slashing the input costs for new construction allowing Builders to price homes aggressively low. Guess what? THIS WON’T LAST!
Which investment would you choose? If you’re like most people, the choice isn’t whether or not you are going to own a home, it’s whether you keep investing in your existing residence or invest in a new one. Which investment is more likely to appreciate—your current older home or a home freshly designed and built to be relevant for today’s and tomorrow’s buyer? After all, while you wait for the market to recover, wouldn’t you rather be waiting in a new maintenance-free home, customized to your taste and style rather than wondering if your lawnmower is going to start this spring? Sometimes "playing it safe" isn’t very safe at all.
#4: Buy Low, Sell High.
It’s the first rule of investing. Home purchases are not meant to be short-term investments and smart buyers know that waiting for a stronger market means paying higher prices. You’ve heard the news that new housing starts have been falling for the past two years. This means the supply is rapidly decreasing. This also means that when the demand returns to normal levels and new homes are in short supply, prices will undoubtedly skyrocket-it’s Economics 101! Don’t lose out your chance to invest near the bottom.
#5: Experience the difference!
Builders are rolling out the red carpet for their customers these days. The Customer is King, now more than ever before. Custom changes—no problem! Don’t miss out on the chance to have a great buying experience with a customer focused builder before they get too busy to go that extra mile!
#6: Save Green, Be Green.
Our customers are enjoying a savings of around 40% on their heating and cooling bills because of our Energy Star Certified construction and they’ll take pride in living in a more environmentally friendly home. What would you do with an extra 125 bucks a month?
#7: Quality Counts.
Homes built in slower housing markets are constructed with more care and by more highly talented craftsman. A lot was overlooked in the old days of "How fast can we build?"—not on purpose of course, but at the break-neck pace of a few years ago, builders just didn’t have the time to be picky. Now builders are able to be a lot more "hands on" and make sure proper attention is paid to the details. Additionally, a lighter workload for subcontractors means that employers have retained only their best tradesmen, which in effect "weeds out" the amateurs—AND THE DIFFERENCE SHOWS.
#8: Made in the U.S.A!
With the housing industry comprising 1/5 of America’s GDP, it’s no wonder the economy is struggling. Indiana lost 7,500 housing jobs in 2008 alone. Most Americans feel a patriotic draw toward buying American made products, but does it really make a difference? Think about this—virtually ALL of the dollars spent building and buying a new home stay in your local community. Now that’s what I call a stimulus package (where it counts)! JFK said it best, "Ask not what your Country can do for you, but what you can do for your Country." Simply put, those who wait on the sidelines are continuing to compound the problem, but those who CAN afford to purchase a car or a home during a time of recession and actually DO IT are true Patriots and should be applauded.
Here’s what they know:
#1: 30-Year Mortgage Rates are at ALL TIME LOWS!
A conventional mortgage on a $180,000 home at a rate of 6.5% (last year, and probably next year) vs. 5% (today) would cost you over $137.00 per month more! This adds up to almost $50,000.00 in additional interest costs over the life of the loan! Can you afford to lose out on this opportunity?
#2: Home values are… kind of irrelevant?
That’s right, whether values are historically high or historically low, everyone is on a level playing field. For most of our customers, the possibility of receiving a lower than expected price for their existing residence is more than offset by the lower price they are receiving on their new home from a Builder. Subcontractors and suppliers are very hungry for business and are slashing the input costs for new construction allowing Builders to price homes aggressively low. Guess what? THIS WON’T LAST!
Which investment would you choose? If you’re like most people, the choice isn’t whether or not you are going to own a home, it’s whether you keep investing in your existing residence or invest in a new one. Which investment is more likely to appreciate—your current older home or a home freshly designed and built to be relevant for today’s and tomorrow’s buyer? After all, while you wait for the market to recover, wouldn’t you rather be waiting in a new maintenance-free home, customized to your taste and style rather than wondering if your lawnmower is going to start this spring? Sometimes "playing it safe" isn’t very safe at all.
#4: Buy Low, Sell High.
It’s the first rule of investing. Home purchases are not meant to be short-term investments and smart buyers know that waiting for a stronger market means paying higher prices. You’ve heard the news that new housing starts have been falling for the past two years. This means the supply is rapidly decreasing. This also means that when the demand returns to normal levels and new homes are in short supply, prices will undoubtedly skyrocket-it’s Economics 101! Don’t lose out your chance to invest near the bottom.
#5: Experience the difference!
Builders are rolling out the red carpet for their customers these days. The Customer is King, now more than ever before. Custom changes—no problem! Don’t miss out on the chance to have a great buying experience with a customer focused builder before they get too busy to go that extra mile!
#6: Save Green, Be Green.
Our customers are enjoying a savings of around 40% on their heating and cooling bills because of our Energy Star Certified construction and they’ll take pride in living in a more environmentally friendly home. What would you do with an extra 125 bucks a month?
#7: Quality Counts.
Homes built in slower housing markets are constructed with more care and by more highly talented craftsman. A lot was overlooked in the old days of "How fast can we build?"—not on purpose of course, but at the break-neck pace of a few years ago, builders just didn’t have the time to be picky. Now builders are able to be a lot more "hands on" and make sure proper attention is paid to the details. Additionally, a lighter workload for subcontractors means that employers have retained only their best tradesmen, which in effect "weeds out" the amateurs—AND THE DIFFERENCE SHOWS.
#8: Made in the U.S.A!
With the housing industry comprising 1/5 of America’s GDP, it’s no wonder the economy is struggling. Indiana lost 7,500 housing jobs in 2008 alone. Most Americans feel a patriotic draw toward buying American made products, but does it really make a difference? Think about this—virtually ALL of the dollars spent building and buying a new home stay in your local community. Now that’s what I call a stimulus package (where it counts)! JFK said it best, "Ask not what your Country can do for you, but what you can do for your Country." Simply put, those who wait on the sidelines are continuing to compound the problem, but those who CAN afford to purchase a car or a home during a time of recession and actually DO IT are true Patriots and should be applauded.
buy now,
energy star,
low rates,
new home
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Clubhouse is Framed!
Well, the time has officially arrived - the clubhouse is framed! It all happened yesterday as we went from a big concrete slab to totally framed in about 5 hours. They worked so fast that the trusses aren't set to be delivered until tomorrow! Tom and I were both amazed at how big it feels now that the walls are in place. The slab looked pretty tiny but now, it's just huge! I was most surprised at the size of the fitness center and the billiard/tv room. There will be plenty of room for working out and then relaxing on the couch. :)
There are going to be some really cool views of the pond out the windows on the side and the back. Even though I have been in a clubhouse with the same layout, I was surprised to see just how many windows there are making it really bright and airy. The double sided fireplace is really cool too. It will be really welcoming to everyone as they enter. Here is a photo:

If you haven't checked out the virtual tour of the clubhouse, here it is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SimmgvANfCw&feature=channel_page
Jim has promised that the walls will be drywalled and possibly primed by our big event in June. So, I'm holding him to that one! Here is Jim hard at work to make it happen:

In other news, the grass is finally starting to appear over most of the ground. Jim is talking with a company about fertilizer and, get this, MOWING! Yes, I think we'll need to actually mow before the summer is over. Now, to the normal person, this may not seem very exciting. But, to all of us, it's great news as we've been trekking around here in mud boots all winter.
There are going to be some really cool views of the pond out the windows on the side and the back. Even though I have been in a clubhouse with the same layout, I was surprised to see just how many windows there are making it really bright and airy. The double sided fireplace is really cool too. It will be really welcoming to everyone as they enter. Here is a photo:

If you haven't checked out the virtual tour of the clubhouse, here it is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SimmgvANfCw&feature=channel_page
Jim has promised that the walls will be drywalled and possibly primed by our big event in June. So, I'm holding him to that one! Here is Jim hard at work to make it happen:

In other news, the grass is finally starting to appear over most of the ground. Jim is talking with a company about fertilizer and, get this, MOWING! Yes, I think we'll need to actually mow before the summer is over. Now, to the normal person, this may not seem very exciting. But, to all of us, it's great news as we've been trekking around here in mud boots all winter.
new home,
timber run
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
It's been a while!
Well, it's been a while since I've posted an update. OK - so it's been a LONG while! :)
So much has changed over the past few months. I was looking at the pictures in the beginning of this blog and I'm just amazed. We now have three buildings under construction and are preparing to pour the slab for the clubhouse tomorrow. The most exciting change is that we have homeowners! Our first homeowners moved in this Winter and are getting settled in and enjoying the good life.
I hope to keep everyone updated with the progress of the community by posting about once a week or so. Here are some recent photos of the entry bridge and the first building.
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